Live: 24-Hour Mega Farbrengen for 28 Nissan

Watch Live Now: The 28 Nissan Mega-Farbrengen continues to unite the Global Chabad community, with speakers from across the globe addressing the thousands that are gathered virtually.

Join the worldwide Chabad community as they mark Chof Ches Nissan with a twenty-four hour Mega-Farbrengen. On the 31st anniversary of the Rebbe’s monumental call to “do everything you can to bring Moshiach speedily in our days,” fifty mashpiim, educators, shluchim and layleaders will focus on our individual responsibility to bring Moshiach. Although the dozens of speakers come from all walks of life, they will all bring their unique perspectives to bear on the idea that everyone is an influencer.

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Full Schedule: (NY Time)

Motzei Shabbos 29 Nissan

10:00 PM Rabbi Shais Taub

10:30 PM Rabbi Sholom Duchman

11:00 PM Rabbi Naftali Silberberg

11:30 PM Rabbi Levi Garelik

Sunday  30 Nissan

12:00 AM Rabbi Benny Zippel

12:30 AM Dr. Avi Rosenberg

1:00 AM Rabbi Mendy Schapiro

1:30 AM Rabbi Ezra Schochet

2:00 AM Rabbi Menachem Matusof

2:30 AM Mr. Josh Goldhirsch

3:00 AM Rabbi Yisrael Deren

3:30 AM Rabbi Levy Wineberg

4:00 AM Mr. Robert Kremnizer

4:30 AM Mr. Joel Gershman

5:00 AM Rabbi Dovid Masinter

5:30 AM Rabbi Dovid Lieder

6:00 AM Rabbi Mendel Glukowsky

6:30 AM Dr. Binyomin Abrams

7:00 AM Rabbi Yosef Gourarie

7:30 AM Rabbi Moshe Scheiner

8:00 AM Rabbi Yossy Gordon

8:30 AM Rabbi Yossi Nemes

9:00 AM Rabbi Shloime Sternberg

9:30 AM Rabbi Shimmy Weinbaum

10:00 AM Rabbi Shmuel Avtzon

10:30 AM Mr. Avi Webb

11:00 AM Rabbi Yossi Groner

11:30 AM Rabbi YY Jacobson

12:00 PM Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz

12:30 PM Rabbi Berel Junik

1:00 PM Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky

1:30 PM Rabbi Shabtai Slavaticki

2:00 PM Rabbi Mendel Raskin

2:30 PM Rabbi Yosef Chitrik

2:50 PM Rabbi Shlomo Wilhelm

3:40 PM Rabbi Shamai Ende

4:10 PM Rabbi Menachem Dubruskin

4:40 PM Rabbi Eliashiv Kaplan

4:55 PM Rabbi Moshe Gruzman

5:30 PM Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Ofen

6:00 PM Rabbi Akiva Wagner

6:30 PM Rabbi Simon Jacobson

7:00 PM Rabbi Sholom Moshe Paltiel

7:30 PM Rabbi Efraim Mintz

8:00 PM Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky

8:30 PM Rabbi Alter Tenenbaum

9:00 PM Rabbi Yossi Serebransky

9:30 PM Rabbi Chaim Shapiro

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