Live: 10th Sefer Torah Haklali Parades Through Massacre Sites

Live Now: The Siyum of the 10th Sefer Torah Haklali will be celebrated at 5 central sites of the Gaza War – starting in Ashkelon, continuing to the Sderot Police Station, Kibbutz Raim, at the site of the Nova festival massacre, and ending at Chabad house in Ofakim.

The Siyum of the 10th Sefer Torah Haklali will be celebrated at 5 central sites of the Gaza War: Starting in Ashkelon, continuing to the Sderot Police Station, Kibbutz Raim, at the site of the Nova festival massacre, and ending at Chabad house in Ofakim.

Thousands of people are anticipated to participate in the Siyum, which will take place with a grand procession of celebrations throughout the Gaza envelope communities. The Siyum celebrations will pass through central points in the Gaza envelope region, where unique events are expected to occur at each location, and the final letters will be inscribed in the Torah scrolls.

Here is the schedule of events:

  • 9:00 AM The procession of celebrations will commence in the morning, in the city of Ashkelon, the “Capital of the Gaza envelope.”
  • 11:00 AM The Siyum celebration continues at the police station in Sderot, where our brave police officers fought off the terrorists on oct. 7
  • 1:00 PM at Kibbutz Raim, where 364 civilians were slaughtered in the Nova festival הי”ד, and hundreds were injured and kidnapped.
  • 3:00 PM at the Gilat Junction, which has become a gathering point for reserve soldiers who are going to fight in the Gaza Strip.
  • 6:30 PM The main procession of the Siyum will take place at “770 House” in Ofakim as a sign of solidarity with the city that has experienced severe trauma, with numerous residents murdered. The final letters will be written at “770 house”, and at its conclusion, singing and dancing, with Hakafos and Ata Horeisa as customary.

The “Sefer Torah Haklali” (or “Unity Torah Scroll”), began in 5742 when the Rebbe announced that a General Sefer Torah would be written for Yidden of all ages (not limited to children under Bar/Bas Mitzvah), as there were those who complained why the adults be left out from the Sefer Torah of the children.

Throughout the year 5742, and most of the year 5743, the Rebbe mentioned the subject of “Sefer Torah Haklali” at every farbrengen, and encouraged the Chasidim to take action in registering Jews in the Sefer Torah books with all their energy b’hishtadlus nafshis.

The “Sefer Torah Haklali” differs from the “Children’s Sefer Torah” in several ways:

  • Jews of all ages can purchase a letter in this Sefer Torah. (kids and adults alike).
  • The price is not fixed; any symbolic donation amount is accepted. (Unlike the kids’ Sefer Torah where the set price is $1).
  • Letters can be bought for those that are deceased as well.
  • Those who have purchased letters in a previous Sefer Torah Haklali are welcome to buy again in each new Sefer Torah Haklali.

To buy your letter in the 11th Sefer Torah Haklali, visit

Since October 7, the committee started a major operation to register all Jews, including IDF soldiers and abductees. Thanks to the dedication of the shluchim, at an extraordinary pace, within only 3 months (Elul 5783 – Kislev 5784), all Letters were sold, and a full Torah scroll was completed!

Now has come the time for a Grand Siyum celebration ברוב עם הדרת מלך!

Rabonei Chabad of Eretz Hakodesh issued a letter calling upon all of Anash to participate in the celebrations and bring along friends and Mekuravim.

To donate for significant expenses of the Siyum celebrations visit

In the words of the Rebbe (Shabbat Tetzaveh 5743): “Fortunate are they, and great is their merit, all who are involved in any way in the writing of the Sefer Torah Hklali”.


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