Lighting Up Chanukah for Frontline Heroes

Beginning with the first night of Chanukah, Chayal el Chayal’s ‘Operation Light Up the Frontlines’ has already lit Menorahs with soldiers on 13 bases, stretching from Eilat in the south to the Lebanese border in the north, together with Yeshiva Bochurim who uplifted the morale with energetic dancing.

Can you imagine standing guard in the bitter cold on the first night of Chanukah, knowing that your friends and family are at home celebrating?

As Jewish families around the world come together to light their menorahs this Chanukah, tens of thousands of IDF soldiers stand vigilant on the frontlines, often in the cold and away from loved ones. For over 10 years, Chayal el Chayal’s Operation: Light Up the Frontlines has ensured that these brave men and women feel the warmth, joy, and light of Chanukah, no matter where they’re serving.

On the first night of Chanukah, the project has already delivered over 1,300 fresh sufganiyot (donuts) to soldiers on 13 bases, stretching from Eilat in the south to the Lebanese border in the north. Eight cars of volunteers have traveled tirelessly to light menorahs, give out fresh donuts, and create moments of celebration, spreading the light of Chanukah to the brave soldiers who are protecting our homeland and would otherwise miss out on celebrating this year.

“A little bit of light can dispel a lot of darkness,” said the Baal Hatanya, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, and Operation: Light Up the Frontlines embodies that message. Every menorah lit and every donut shared reminds soldiers that they are never alone, that their sacrifices are deeply appreciated, and most importantly, that each of them is a spark that can dispel a lot of darkness.

We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to our generous donors so far, whose unwavering support has made this initiative possible. A special thank you to Mayanot Yeshiva, CBA Yeshiva, and all our volunteers who spent many hours out on the frontlines making this happen. Your dedication and hard work have brought the light of Chanukah to our soldiers, reminding them that they are cherished and supported by a loving community.

As Chanukah continues, there’s still time to make a meaningful difference. Partner with us in this impactful mission to expand Operation: Light Up the Frontlines and bring the joy of Chanukah to even more soldiers.

Visit to take part in this special effort. Together, we can light up the frontlines and show our gratitude to the brave men and women protecting us all.



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