Liba Schwartz, 81, AH

Liba Schwartz, a resident of Crown Heights and devoted friend to many in the community, passed away on Motzei Shabbos, 13 Sivan, 5782.

Liba Schwartz, a resident of Crown Heights and devoted friend to many in the community, passed away on Motzei Shabbos, 13 Sivan, 5782.

She was 81 years old.

Liba was the niece of the famed chossid Reb Alter Simchovitch who served as mashpia in Tomchei Temimim in Warsaw and Toras Emes Yeshiva in Israel.

She was a beloved and devoted friend to many.

Her fascinating life story was featured in the N’Shei Chabad Newsletter a number of years ago, detailing her journey to Crown Heights and miraculously recovering her vision after being blind.

The levaya will take place Sunday, passing by 770 Eastern Parkway at 1:30 pm.

Boruch Dayan Haemes


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