Levaya Held for Mrs. Rivkah Barber

The levaya for Mrs. Rivkah Barber, the matriarch of a large Chabad family, passed by 770 Eastern Parkway on Tuesday morning.

The levaya for Mrs. Rivkah Barber, the matriarch of a large Chabad family, passed by 770 Eastern Parkway on Tuesday morning.

Mrs. Barber is survived by her children, Eli Barber – Crown Heights; Shimon Barber – Crown Heights; Chaya Raskin – Melbourne, Australia; Leah Gurary – Crown Heights; Esty Sputz – Boyton Beach, FL; Chani Bacher – Johannesburg, South Africa; Raizy Schwartz – Crown Heights; Mendy Barber – Crown Heights; and Yitzchok Barber – Crown Heights.

She is also survived by her siblings, R’ Moshe Weiss – Flatbush; R’ Chaim Eliezer Weiss – Monsey, NY; and Yoely Weiss – Monsey, NY. She is also survived by her many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Shiva will be observed at Mrs. Barber’s home, 583 Montgomery St., Brooklyn NY 11213.

Shachris 1) 7:30 2) 8:00 3) 8:30 4) 9:30
Mincha- 1) 3:00 2) 3:30 3) 4:00 4) 4:15
Mariv- 1) Bizmana 2) Bizmana 3) 7:00 4) 7:30

Visitor Hours:
10:00 am-1:00 pm
3:00-5:00 pm
6:00-9:00 pm

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