LEC Miami Girls Print Tanya In Honor of Chof Daled Teves

Lubavitch Educational Center’s Girls Schools in Miami, Florida, gathered to print a Tanya on their campus in honor of Chof Daled Teves, yartzeit of the Alter Rebbe.

Photos by Menachem Williams 

Lubavitch Educational Center’s Girls Schools in Miami, Florida, gathered to print a Tanya on their campus in honor of Chof Daled Teves, yartzeit of the Alter Rebbe.

“This is a momentous occasion,” said Head of School Rabbi Benzion Korf. “We are celebrating Chassidus and what it brought to the world. Our school doesn’t just teach Chassidus, it’s the foundation of our lives.” He expounded on the Hayom Yom of the day, where the goal of Chassidus is outlined as bringing energy and light even to things that are undesirable. “When we recognize the negative things in our lives and correct them, that turns the negative itself into something positive.”

The program began with a live musical performance of the Alter Rebbe’s niggunim Keili Atah and Daled Bavos played by students Sheina Pink, Miriam Mann, Chaya Mushka Liberow, Mussie Hertzel, and Mussia Goldstein.

Rozy and Kayli Silberstein, whose parents sponsored the project, were called on to begin the printing. As the pages rolled off the press, Chaya Mussia Mayberg, a descendent of the Alter Rebbe, summarized the core points of perek lamed bais.

The event concluded with a special performance by Mrs. Gutnick’s third grade class who sang perek mem alef by heart.

“In his haskama on the Tanya, Reb Zusha of Anipoli said this sefer will bring Moshiach,” said Mrs. Shevi Sossonko, principal of the Girls Middle School. “May this printing be the last of galus and with these special Tanyas may we march with all of bnei Yisroel to geula.”

N’shei Readers: Click here for a full gallery of the Tanya printing, and click here for a video.

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