A new series of Shiurim and personal guidance on the art of hisbonenus and avodas hatefila will begin today with noted mashpia Reb Osher Farkash.
By Anash.org reporter
One of the staples of Chassidus is Avodas Hatefillah. The sichos and maamarim of our Rebbeim are replete with words on this topic, including guidance, encouragement, and at times harsh words directed at those who have slacked off from this elemental way of Chassidic life.
Chassidus makes it clear that davening with the appropriate kavana requires intense dedication and preparation; this is why it is referred to as an avoda. One must devote time to studying the secrets of creation and the Creator, and to subjugating one’s self to this greater truth, as discussed at length in the teachings Chassidus. This regimen of study must then be followed by a system of hisbonenus, deep contemplation on these ideas.
But even those who are quite serious about davening still seem to struggle with the actual implementation of this fundamental part of our life.
In light of this, Igud Hayeshivos has arranged a new series of Shiurim and personal guidance on the art of hisbonenus and avodas hatefila with noted mashpia Reb Osher Farkash.
To register for updates, visit Igudyeshivos.com/tefilla or message 718-715-2458.
Here is the link to today’s shiur:
Meeting ID: 199 081 296
Password: 732240
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