Learn How to Conduct Your Business According to Halacha

Are you an entrepreneur unsure of how to structure your business according to Jewish law? Or perhaps a seasoned professional facing new challenges in the ever-evolving world of commerce? This new course is for you.

Are you an entrepreneur unsure of how to structure your business according to Jewish law? Or perhaps a seasoned professional facing new challenges in the ever-evolving world of commerce?

This year-long course, led by Rabbi Menachem Rotenberg, a respected Rov in the Beis Horaah of Crown Heights, is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the complexities of business Halacha.

For many areas of our lives, the relevant Halachos are familiar, clearly defined, and easily accessible. Business Halacha, on the other hand, is not as well-known and can be complicated to navigate. With larger and more complex business operations than ever before, frum Jews need to know how to set up their businesses in accordance with Halacha and how to manage day-to-day dealings in a Halachically acceptable manner.

The course is tailored for busy professionals. With convenient two-hour weekly classes, this program easily fits into your demanding schedule. You’ll delve into essential topics ranging from Ribbis and Heter Iska to employee relations, partnerships, and intellectual property.

This course goes beyond simply learning the laws. By studying relevant sections of the Shulchan Aruch, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how to apply traditional principles to contemporary business practices.

Even if you’re not aiming to become a Halachic authority, this program will make you a more informed business owner. You’ll learn to identify potential issues, ask the right questions, and confidently approach a qualified Rabbi for guidance.

Rabbi Rotenberg’s expert instruction will ensure you operate your business with the confidence of knowing your actions align with Torah values and laws.

Ready to delve into business-related halacha?

Open House: 

Thursday, August 22, 18 Av, 9:00-9:30 pm

To register for the Open House click here

Course Details:
Start date: September 19, 2024
Duration: 12 Months, 43 classes
Days: Thursday
Time: 7:00 pm-9:00 pm
Certificate: Business Halacha
For more details and registration, click here

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