Live: Learn About Moshiach for 10 Minutes

Join Live Daily at 2:00 PM ET: In connection with the global campaign marking 30 years since Chof Ches Nissan 5751, a new shiur has been launched to learn Inyonei Geulah U’Moshiach for 10 minutes a day with Rabbi Mendel Scharf.

Shabbos, Chof Ches Nissan 5781 marked 30 years since the Rebbe delivered the ‘famous Sicha’ in which the Rebbe charged his chassidim with the ultimate task of doing all they can to bring Moshiach “Tut Altz Vos Ir Kent Tzu Brengin Moshiach Tzidkeinu Bipoel Mamesh”.

In connection with the recent global inspiration and especially in light of the Rebbe’s instruction in the sicha of Tazria-Metzora to learn Inyonei Geulah U’Moshiach – specifically with a minyan;

A new 10-minute daily shiur has been launched to hasten the geulah through learning Inyonei Geulah U’Moshiach.

Time: Every weekday at 2:00pm EST.

Maggid Shiur: Rabbi Mendel Scharf of Detroit, MI

The shiur will start on Tuesday, 8 Iyar.

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Meeting ID: 829 9098 8227
Passcode: 770770


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