Yud Alef Nisan marks the 118th birthday of the Rebbe. In honor of this special day, we present resources, videos and minhagim connected with the milestone.
Minhagim for Yud Alef Nissan:
- For the next year, until Yud Alef Nissan 5781, we say the the Rebbe’s new Kapittel, 119, every day after davening.
Download Kapitel 119 here
- The Rebbe requested that birthday gifts be given in the form of an increase in learning Torah. Additionally, the Rebbe would ask Chassidim to make new commitments in his merit in all areas of Yiddishkeit.
- The Rebbe asked that the day be marked with a stress on education, and the day was established in 1978 by a joint Congressional resolution as Education Day U.S.A., focusing on the very foundation of meaningful education: instructing our youth in the ways of morality and ethics, and teaching them an appreciation for divine inviolable values.
Yud Alef Nissan Resources
Yud Alef Nissan Video Clips