Kollel Zkainim Doesn’t Want Your Money

A shliach came to Crown Heights reaching out to his good friend who is well to do financially, expecting a nice check. The friend answered he has no time today. The next day, again he pleaded lack of time. Finally, on the third call, the shliach said, “I don’t need your time I need your money.”  

We, at Kollel Tiferes Zkainim, are not asking for your money, rather we are asking for your time.

Today, Chof Av, we enter the 40th year anniversary since the Rebbe established Kollel Tifereth Zekainim – Levi Yitzchok – the Chabad Lubavitch Torah institute for Seniors. Est. on 20th of Menachem Av 5740/1980.

To honor entering our 40th year, Kollel Tifereth Zekainim – Levi Yitzchok is launching a grand campaign so that every man, woman and child, in honor of the 75th Hilulah of the Rebbe’s father can participate in spreading Yiddishkeit and chassidus to the thousands of Jewish seniors. In Brooklyn alone, as well as the entire New York metropolitan area there are many  senior centers, adult daycare centers, adult homes, and nursing homes which are waiting for you. We are asking anyone and everyone who wishes to give the Rebbe Nachas and bring Moshiach closer to join in adopting a home for Mivtzoim.

Some of our volunteers give approximately two hours a week putting on Tefillin with around 25 seniors, sharing a sicha, and distributing Torah literature. After many places they’ve been to on mivtzoim, here our volunteers feel they are accomplishing a great deal. 

For many seniors in homes, our visits are their primary or even only connection to Yiddishkeit. It is hard to describe in words the appreciation and joy these visits bring to them physically and spiritually.

So please, join today so we can reach out to every Jewish senior. Your participation can make it happen. Whether it be a Sunday outing with the family, or any other time that works best for you, please call or email the office of Kollel Tifereth Zekainim – Levi Yitzchok at 718-604-2022 (24 hour leave a message) or call Rabbi Menachem N. Gerlitzky at 917-865-7425. 

Email us at [email protected].

But of course as with every Jewish organization, we always accept any charitable donation. So whether you can  give of your time or not yet, please consider a virtual check of any size to partner with us in furthering the Rebbe’s care to seniors. Zelle@[email protected] and click the BMA account. Our mailing address is KTZLY 304 Kingston Av. Brooklyn, NY 11213

We would also like to let the local public know that in Crown Heights, there are two daily kollelim (study halls) for seniors; one Yiddish and the other English. Seniors come and enjoy beautiful shiurim, spending their golden age the best way possible. Contact us to inquire more. 

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