Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchim Concludes With Grand Finale Banquet

The Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchim of the Shluchim Office concluded on Sunday evening with a grand “Finale” banquet, a celebration culminating three packed days of inspiration, fun and Chassidishkeit.

With a crowd of over 1,500 packing the hall, this year’s banquet was reimagined to a “Finale”, a brand new program to accommodate every single Shliach joining in person and via Zoom. With the record number of Young Shluchim, the energy of this unique and powerful event was palpable throughout the night. 

The program began with a video presentation highlighting the “Shlichus around the clock” theme. A video of the Rebbe followed, and the recital of The Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s Kapital. The Shluchim took the opportunity to unite for a Tefillah for the Yidden in Eretz Yisroel.

Co-hosts Yoel Goldstien, Young Shliach to Ann Arbor, MI, and head counselor Berel Danow introduced the beautiful presentation of two Young Shluchim interviewing Rabbi Yisroel Deren, head Shliach to Connecticut, about his memories of the Kinus Hashluchim with the Rebbe. Rabbi Deren spoke warmly about those special moments with the Rebbe and narrated a Sichah.

Surprise guest singer Benny Friedman took the stage along with musician Chony Milecki, singing beautiful Niggunim joined together by all the Young Shluchim. The crowd was captivated by a special video presentation featuring Young Shliach Levi Matusof of Pau, France, highlighting an amazing story of his great grandfather, Rabbi Shlomo Matusof, who was the first Shliach sent by the Rebbe to Morocco. 

Singer Berel Faiden and Chony Milecki rocked the room with the Kinus theme song.

The 12 Pessukim were recited, many were led by Young Shluchim in Eretz Yisroel live from special locations such as the Kosel Hamaaravi, Mearas Hamchpela, etc. 

Special for this year’s program, the crowd was surprised with the Shlichus launch challenge hosted by Chony Milecki. Throughout the Kinus, the boys were encouraged to brainstorm new initiatives they can take upon themselves to do in their Makom Hashlichus. Several contestants were selected and invited on stage to share their ideas live. Chony assigned each contestant a challenge related to their initiative. 

An exciting roll call was conducted by singer Berel Faigen, as the Young Shluchim danced and waved their flags with pride as their country and state were called. More singing and dancing filled the room before raffle drawings for amazing prizes. Young Shliach Levi Silberberg from London, Ontario won the grand raffle, a full scholarship to the Tzeirei Hashluchim Winter Camp in Lake Worth, FL. 

A replay of the banquet is available at

The event was generously dedicated by Rabbi Dovid and Gitel Fischer Leiluy Nishmas Luba Michla Bas R’ Shlomo Zarchi OB”M.

Special thanks to Idan and Leeann Cohen for their support of the Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchim.

The Shluchim Office and the Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchim are grateful for their generosity.

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