Kingston Cheder Begins New Year With Tremendous Growth

A new building, 30 new staff, and additional principals are just some of the signs of the extraordinary growth seen in the boys’ and girls’ divisions of Cheder Menachem of Kingston, PA.

The first day of the new school year at Cheder Menachem of Kingston, PA, brought along with it a long list of other “firsts” as well, showcasing the school’s tremendous and continued growth.

For the past number of years, as the school grew from a small, modest moisad to a booming establishment, the boys’ and girls’ divisions of the school were housed in the same building. The past year saw the building filled to capacity, with no room for any additional students.

Thanks to the gargantuan efforts of Rabbi Yossi Baumgarten, together with the school board, a new building was found for the boys’ division. After signing on the building, an extensive renovation over the summer brought the location up to par to comfortably house the boys’ classes.

The girls’ school and the preschool divisions saw incredible growth as well, with over 30 new rebbis, teachers and staff hired to fill the growing need. The girls’ school has hired Mrs. Shaindy Reinetz as principal, with Mrs. Ceita Wilhelm continuing on as assistant principal. With the boys school adding Rabbi Yehuda Green, a long time teacher as its assistant principal as well.

The student body grew exponentially as well, from 400 children the previous year to over 460 children this school year. 

Smiles were seen on all faces as the new school year began this past week, with the children excited to meet their old and new friends, and veteran teachers mingling with the new hires and getting to know each other.

“A special thank you goes to our Director, Rabbi Baumgarten, without whom none of this would have been possible,” a parent shared. 


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