Kingston Celebrates Yud Tes Kislev with Siyum HaShas

Anash in Kingston celebrated Yud Tes Kislev with a festive Seudah which doubled as a Siyum HaShas. Guest speaker, Minnesota shliach Rabbi Mendel Feller, spoke for Anash, N’shei, boys and girls schools, parents, and melamdim.

On Thursday night, N’shei Chabad hosted an inspiring Yud Tes Kislev event featuring guest speaker Rabbi Mendel Feller, Shliach of Upper Midwest Minnesota.

At Bais Moshe, the evening began with a Siyum Hashas by Reb Chaim Moshe Zirkind, who independently completed the entire Shas. The Siyum was followed by Divrei Torah from his father, Rabbi Shmuel Zirkind of Toronto, in honor of the accomplishment.

After the Siyum, the Rov and Mara D’Asra, Rabbi Gedalia Oberlander, shared Divrei Hisorerus, connecting the special occasion to Yud Tes Kislev. Rabbi Mordechai Fine, Rov and Mara D’Asra in Scranton, then spoke Divrei Beracha and shared his memories of Chaim Moshe’s great-grandparents, who lived in Scranton during his early years as Rov there.

This concluded the first part of the evening, which was followed by a grand Farbrengen led by Rabbi Mendel Feller, Shliach of Upper Midwest Minnesota. The Farbrengen lasted into the early hours of the morning, creating an uplifting and inspiring atmosphere that left a lasting impression on the entire community.

On Friday morning, Rabbi Feller visited the boys’ Cheder and Farbrenged with the older division in honor of Yud Tes Kislev. On Friday night, he Farbrenged with the girls’ high school.

Shabbos day featured a grand Farbrengen after davening, led by the Rov and Rabbi Feller.

Motzai Shabbos, the girls’ Cheder hosted a mother-and-daughter Melaveh Malka, joined by Rabbi Feller. Later that evening, Rabbi Feller Farbrenged with the Melamdim of the Cheder.


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