Kevutza Bochurim to Quarantine in Pennsylvania

Following guidelines from the Gedalia Society, bochurim joining the annual kevutza program will need to submit to a two-week quarantine period and medical exam before arriving in Crown Heights.

By reporter

As reported on last Friday, the Gedalia Society has expressed its concern that an influx of guests into Crown Heights this Tishrei would bring more COVID-19 cases to the already virus-weary community. A number of new cases are occurring in the neighborhood daily which are associated with travel to hotspot states.

As a result, organizers of ‘kevutza‘ have been hard at work organizing the travel of students this year, following the guidelines set out by the society.

The plan has been laid out for kevutza bochurim to arrive in the USA on Rosh Chodesh Elul, immediately entering a two-week quarantine period in Pennsylvania, followed by a medical exam. For the duration of the quarantine, students will receive full room and board and will need to cover the costs themselves.

Students will be required to dish out another sum to cover health insurance for the quarantine period, with a Lubavitcher insurance broker having arranged a subsidized price.

The organizers announced to students that coming to Crown Heights as part of the program is “only on condition that they follow the rules and guidelines of health as published by the neighborhood doctors and rabbonim.”

Bochurim who wish to make their own quarantine arrangements will be able to do so and may join the yeshiva only after they have completed their isolation period outside of Crown Heights.

Life and Health insurance agent Oren Popper has clarified that based on current regulations, anyone who legally resides in NY State, may apply for health insurance on the State Exchange.

Insurance obtained through the exchange isn’t usually effective outside of NY State. Upon arrival in New York one may contact Oren Popper via WhatsApp at +1-917-720-6565 for assistance in applying through the State exchange.

Besides for insurance that might be available through the exchange for those eligible, Oren Popper has advised that he also represents some other insurance companies whose coverage includes COVID-19, that will insure travelers and visitors to the US (coverage might also be available for those traveling to places other than the US).

For service you may contact Oren Popper’s office via WhatsApp +1-917-720-6565

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