With great appreciation to all of the participants in the Keren Meir summer raffle, we are excited to announce the lucky winner of 2 roundtrip tickets to Eretz Yisroel + a weekend stay at the Mamilla Hotel:
What would you do to bring Chassidus to a fellow yid?
This summer, hundreds of people took one small action to do exactly that – and it makes all the difference.
With your purchase of a ticket to the Keren Meir summer raffle, you are instrumental in bringing Chassidus to thousands. Your continued partnership and support enables Keren Meir to share the Rebbe’s vision and the light of Chassidus to those who might otherwise not have access to them.
With great appreciation to all of the participants in the Keren Meir summer raffle, we are excited to announce the lucky winner of 2 roundtrip tickets to Eretz Yisroel + a weekend stay at the Mamilla Hotel:
Congratulations to Yosef Serebryanski of Brooklyn NY, on winning a dream vacation! We wish you a warm “Mazal Tov” and a wonderful trip.
Keren Meir was established seven years ago to continue the legacy of Rabbi Meir Roness A”H, who devoted his life to fulfilling the Rebbe’s call of disseminating the wellsprings of Chassidus to all yidden. Throughout R’ Meir’s lifetime, literally hundreds and thousands of individuals were positively impacted through his efforts.
Keren Meir is committed to carry out the mission and vision of the Rebbe MH”M of preparing the world for the coming of Moshiach when “ומלאה הארץ דעה את ה’ כמים לים מכסים” – The world will be filled with the knowledge of G-d as the waters cover the ocean bed.” (Rambam- siyum Hilchos melachim)
And this summer, you stood by our side to enable us to make this a reality!
A huge yasher koach to all of the winner’s, each and every participant in this summer’s raffle!!
Wishing you and yours a Ksivah V’Chasimah Tova, L’Shana Tova U’mesukah, with the greatest brocha of all, the imminent arrival of Moshiach Tzidkeinu!!
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