Kazakhstan Chof Av Campaign Was a Huge Success

The annual Chof Av campaign for Chabad of Kazakhstan was a smashing success, with over 3,500 chassidim participating from around the world to support Jewish life in Kazakhstan continuing the work of Harav Levi Yitzchok. A raffle for two tickets to Almaty will be taking place.

The annual Chof Av campaign held by Chabad of Kazakhstan in memory of the Rebbe’s father, under the motto of ‘L’chaim v’Livracha!’ was met with a historic success, with thousands of chassidim from around the world joining in.

Every year, on the yahrzeit of the gaon and mekubal Harav Levi Yitzchok Schnnerson, father of the Rebbe, Chabad of Kazakhstan holds a campaign to help continue his holy work of spreading Yiddishkeit in the country and to help them upkeep his holy tziyun throughout the year. 

This year as well, the campaign gave chassidim around the world the chance to take part in the legacy of Reb Levi Yitzchok and help the shluchim grow their activities across the country. 

Rabbi Yeshaya Cohen, Chief Rabbi and Head Shliach of Kazakhstan, says that he gets emotional every year anew upon seeing how chassidim eagerly mobilize for the sake of Yiddishkeit in the country.

“It is touching to see how thousands of Yidden from all walks of life join forces for the Yidden of Kazakhstan, the country where Reb Levi Yitzchok was exiled to,” he says. “I have no doubt that the honor to his father brings a tremendous nachas to the Rebbe.”

“I would like to take the opportunity to thank all the donors, and to those who ran the campaign, working day and night to ensure that it would be successful,” he said. “We view every donor as a true partner to the shlichus which began over 80 years ago by Harav Levi Yitzchok, and is continued today by the shluchim.”

The results of the campaign are felt year-round. In the very same country where Yidden tried to hide their existence just a few decades ago, today they proudly participate in shiurim, Shabbos meals and Jewish programs. Shluchim across the country are constantly expanding their programs, allowing more and more Yidden to connect to their source, as is fit for a country that the Rebbe personally cared about.

Rabbi Yeshaya Cohen shares that he feels an incredible connection to Harav Levi Yitzchok, and a drive to honor his memory. “At a farbrengen marking Chof Av the Rebbe asked that those who merited to help his father to come up and say l’chaim with him as an expression of his thanks.”

“The Rebbe explained that since honoring his father was a personal matter, something that was his obligation, he wanted to say l’chaim with those who had merited to do so in his place. To the Rebbe, it was extremely important to continue his father’s legacy and honor his memory.” 

“Surely every chossid wants to fulfill the Rebbe’s deep-seated desire. All the more so for us shluchim in the very location where Reb Levi Yitzchok toiled with tears, and in the very place where he is buried, there is no question that we must keep on expanding and growing b’harchava,” Rabbi Cohen says emotionally. 

And the ten Chabad centers, spread over seven cities across the country, do just that. This year, thanks to the donors and partners, the shluchim will be expanding their activities even more. They will not rest until they reach every neshama, taking the last steps needed to bring Moshiach.

“From the bottom of our hearts, we extend our thanks to all our partners for their generosity. Every dollar that was donated will help us reach another Jew and kindle the pintele yid inside of them. That merit, along with the merit of the upkeep of the tziyun of Reb Levi Yitzchok, is thanks to each of you,” Rabbi Cohen says. 

The names of all donors were mentioned at the holy tziyon on Chof Av.

The campaign site will remain open until Vov Tishrei, yahrzeit of Rebbetzin Chana, wife of Reb Levi Yitzchok and mother of the Rebbe. The names of all those who donate will be mentioned at the Tziyun.

The bonus round, with a million dollar goal, is dedicated to the hospitality for the visitors to the holy tziyon over the coming year, the 80th year since Harav Levi Yitzchok’s passing,” Rabbi Cohen said. “It is important to us that every guest receives the best accommodations while they are here. We invite individuals and groups to come visit throughout the year, to daven at the tziyun and visit the Chabad House.”

The raffle for the tickets to the holy tziyun in Almaty will be held on Tuesday, 28 Av.

Click here to donate now!

Special thanks to the campaign strategist Bracha Tornheim and the TOP MEDIA team for the branding in four languages, the design, the multimedia and the transcontinental advertising. For their professionalism and dedication all the way from the planning and strategy to the great success.

Special thanks to Menachem Ziegelbaum, editor of the special booklet published on the occasion of the 79th Chof Av.

Special thanks to Yeshayahu Abba Cohen – the manager of the campaign team, the ambassadors, the volunteers and those running the logistics .

Many thanks to the campaign website: Raisethon led by Rabbi Shloimi Greenwald and Levi Sudak.

Special thanks to “Rizel Strategy and Media Consulting”: Shloimi and Mendy Rizel who reported on the events from Alma Ata.

Special thanks to Rabbi Shmaryahu Butman for hosting the launch evening.

Thanks and congratulations to all the Chabad sites who reported on the events in Almaty in wonderful unity and to photographer Mendy Kotler for photographing.

Special thanks to the shluchim in Kazakhstan who worked on the logistics and the technical aspects: Yehudit Cohen, Rabbi Mordechai Cohen, Mina Leah Liberov, Leah Cohen, Rabbi Elchanan Cohen.

Special thanks to the campaign team: Mendy Frommer, Shuli Amarni, Benny Dukalsky, Miri Fogel, Ida Ndbora, Motti Wilhelm, David Levy, Yehudit Hominer, Rabbi Shmaryahu Butman, Rachel Tomarkin, Boris Manoylinko, Giti Cohen, Efrat Cohen, Heth Mandy Cohen, Alki Mizrahi, Eitan Chayon, Shmulik Freiman, Nachami Freiman, Shmulik Amar, Yosef Belizovsky, Yosef Elias, Meroit Bolgonbaeva, Menachem Lutati, Levi Halvordin, Yossi Ben Moshe.

A big thank you to the dedicated fundraising team to all the others who helped the campaign: David and Sterni Zaltsman, Meir and Leah Levin, the Horowitz family, Sarah Lifshitz, Almog Bankowitz, Beis Shmuel, Eliyahu and Channa Amoyel, Shushi Paris, Daniel and Sarah Lerner, the Blashnikov family, the Shahar family, Menachem Mendel Barim, Uriel Redi, the Shochet family, David Amsalem, the Eisenbach family, Levi Cohen, Emmanuel and Miriam Shimonov, Yossi Meshi Zahav, Rebbetzin Chaya Cohen, Ari and Esther Wolf, the Weinfeld family, Chaya Matusov, Eliezer Krishevsky, Gan Israel Kazakhstan instructors: Rivka Lubin, Deborah Davidov, Mira Derkatsch, Racheli Tamarin, Sarahleh Cohen, Devori Cohen, Dini Cohen, Mushki Cohen, Sarah Melashvili. Michael Goldman, Shneor Cohen, Avrahami and Gitti Cohen, Shmulik and Nechami Freiman, Shmaryahu Butman, Shaya and Efrat Cohen, Avraham Zvi Cohen, Chaim Cohen, Chaim and Baracha Yehuda, Yosef Blizovsky, Miriam Hajaj, Chana Kazachkov, Shneor and Mushky Clemson, Chani Eisenbach, Yossi and Chayaleh Weissfisch, Yehuda and Sarahale Golan, Mendy Cohen, Ruthi Avisror, the Tornheim family, Yossi and Chani Cohen, the Marozov family, Benny Feigin, Menachem Kogan, Lev Brossi, for their endless hours of dedication.

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