Join One of Seven Diverse Torah Podcasts, Discussion Groups

To help you add in learning for Chamisha Asar B’Av, we bring you seven new podcasts and discussion groups to choose from, ranging from two-minute power shots to proper shiurim on fascinating topics.

On חמשה עשר באב the Rebbe always quoted the Gemara about increasing one’s learning on this day, and all the berochos that this brings, particularly in relation to physical health, as explained by Rashi.

1) We are pleased to announce a new podcast called Hilchisa L’mishicha by HaRav Yehuda Shurpin, senior editor at and HaRav Avraham Schneerson members of Kollel L’Rabbonei Chabad.

B’ezras Hashem, the podcast will explore a unique halachic analysis of topics relating to Moshiach and Geulah. It will draw from a wide range of sources in halacha, aggadah, and various seforim.

The podcast will be a weekly 20-30-minute shiurim with source sheets

Link to join

2) The Menahel of Kollel L’Rabbonei Chabad, Kollel L’lomdei Dach, co-founder of SCP-Chabad HalachaU and Project Likkutei Torah, HaRav Betzalel Bassman has a daily 2-Minute Halacha podcast called – Exploring Halachic Sugyos – 2 Minutes Per Day

Link to join the WhatsApp group

Find it on your favorite podcast platform 

3) Study the halachos of Chodesh Tishrei in the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch, based on the moreh shiur of Maggid Shiur and member of the Vaad HaRabbonim of Kollel L’Rabbonei Chabad, HaRav Gedalia Oberlander, with shiurim by Chaver Hakollel, HaRav Mendel Yuzevitz 

Link to join the WhatsApp group

Link to join the podcast

4)  Choshen Mishpat Renaissance – A study of the Alter Rebbe’s Choshen Mishpat with an emphasis on practical application. Live shiur on Mondays 1:00-1:30 pm EST. Recordings are posted on the podcast with a weekly in depth handout.  Maggid Shiur, Chaver of Kollel L’Rabbonei Chabad, HaRav Berel Polityko 

Link to join the Whatsapp group

Find on your favorite podcast platform 

5) Some Chavrei HaKollel led by HaRav Dovie Kivman inspired by his knowledge of Hilchos Tevilas Keilim and Hagolas Keilim, learned in Kollel L’Rabbonei Chabad, launched a WhatsApp group to share his learning with others, to answer shallos from the public in these areas.

Link to join the WhatsApp group

6) A beautiful project to complete the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch with a 15-minute daily machzor was started by Chaver Hakollel HaRav Mendel Majesky.

Link to join the WhatsApp group

Link to join on Spotify

7) New Podcast does deep dive with Lubavitcher Rabbanim and Mashpim. 

In the first Episode of “Ase L’cha Rav”, the youngest Posek in Lubavitch talks about who his role models are, and how he is getting ready to publish his first volume of shallos v’teshuvos, on the four sections of Shulchan Aruch

HaRav Betzalel Bassman from Kollel L’Rabbonei Chabad and Rabbi Levi Mishulovin from the Navigating Chabad Podcast, are joining forces to create a monthly podcast called “Ase L’cha Rav”.

Link to the episode on Youtube

Link to the episode on Spotify

Link to Apple podcast 

Here is an opportunity to partner in the publishing of HaRav Kasimov’s sefer.

Have the zechus to partner in publishing שו”ת דברי טוביה . The first volume of שאלות ותשובות from from HaRav Kasimov

Please set up your donation here

A project of Kollel L’Rabbonei Chabad – 

Kollel L’Rabbonei Chabad is a joint project of the Hilchasa K’Rav Institute and the Bais Medrash L’Shluchim of Merkos 302

Ready to commit 10 hours per week, check out —

Community of Experienced Rabbonim & Aspiring Rabbonim 

Ready to commit 5 hours per week, check out—

Revolutionize Your Limud HaChassidus


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