JNY Toronto Shabbaton Brings Large Group to the Rebbe

The Jewish North York (JNY) community from Toronto, led by Rabbi Yisroel and Henya Karpilovsky, organized a memorable Shabbaton at 770, bringing together 123 men, women, and children to the Rebbe.

Last Shabbos, the Jewish North York (JNY) community from Toronto, led by Rabbi Yisroel and Henya Karpilovsky, organized a memorable Shabbaton at 770 Eastern Parkway. The trip brought together 123 participants from the community, including men, women, and children.

Friday morning, the buses arrived at the Ohel, where the group davened Shacharis and then enjoyed a brunch, learning about the significance of their visit. They then headed to Crown Heights for a tour of 770, learning about its history and visiting the library. The group settled at the Eshel Hospitality Center, where a pre-Shabbos buffet was served.

The Shabbaton began with the lighting of Shabbat candles and then a Kabbolas Shabbos at 770. Shabbos meals at Eshel Hall featured divrei Torah, inspiring stories, singing, and farbrengen. Speakers included Rabbi Yisroel Barenbaum and Mrs. Nurit Sarytchev – in Russian,  Rabbi Shais Taub, Rabbi Mendi Wolf, and Rabbi Levi Garelik, and Mrs. Itty Kay and Mrs. Sara Blau in English.

On Sunday, the group visited the Jewish Children’s Museum and spent time in the Rebbe’s room, capturing a group photo before returning home.

For many participants, spending Shabbos at 770 was an almost impossible dream, now fulfilled. “I’m really grateful I had this opportunity to spend Shabbos in 770 with my kids. It was a real uplifting experience which I did not expect,” said one of the participants.

“I davened in 770 for over 25 years,” said Chaim, “and it’s really unique to see a group of families this size coming to spend Shabbos by the Rebbe.”

The Shabbaton was sponsored in loving memory of Eliyahu Ben Abbo in honor of his 20th yartzeit. May Eliyahu Ben Abbo’s neshama have an aliyah and be a guter better for his family and klal Yisroel. 

The JNY community extends its gratitude to all those who made this Shabbaton possible.


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