JLI Delivered Over 100 Classes Since Start of Pandemic

As the weeks in quarantine drag on, many people are looking for insights and inspiration to help them through these challenging times. JLI heeded the call and offered over 100 classes, with more classes given daily.

As the weeks in quarantine drag on, many people are looking for insights and inspiration to help them through these challenging times. JLI heeded the call with daily lectures broadcast on the JLI Facebook page. 

“We saw an opportunity to fill people’s extra time with useful information and meaningful learning,” said JLI’s social media coordinator, Lazer Cohen.  “Since before Pesach, we have held over one hundred Facebook Live sessions, and they have been warmly and gratefully received.  Regular Facebook followers and newcomers participate, some in the live broadcast and some by watching it later.”

The sessions, led by leading lecturers from around the world, focus on addressing issues resulting from the COVID-19 outbreak as well as practical and spiritual preparation for yomim tovim in these unique circumstances. 

Lectures this week include “The Sandwich Generation during the Pandemic,” “Keeping the Peace: The Secret to Getting Along in Close Quarters,” and an ongoing four-part series, “Parenting through Connection.”

A Shavuot cooking demo and lectures on the Aseret Hadibrot and Megillat Ruth will also be held this week.  


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