Listen: As part of the ‘Tzamah’ project, which brings traditional Chabad niggunim to the wider Israeli public, Israeli singer and songwriter Yosef Karduner sings Podoh V’shalom Nafshi, in the unique tzama style.
As part of the ‘Tzamah’ project, which brings traditional Chabad niggunim to the wider Israeli public, Israeli singer and songwriter Yosef Karduner sings Podoh V’shalom Nafshi, in the unique tzamah style.
The classic Chabad tune is set to the words Podoh V’shalom Nafshi, the words of Tehillim the Alter Rebbe recited when he heard the news of his impending release from prison. It is regularly sung on the Chagei Hageula of Yud Kislev, Yud Tes Kislev, and Yud Bais Tammuz.
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