I’m Not a Chabadnik, Please Do More of This

I’m not a Chabdnik. I come from the Yeshivish world, where our approach to Torah and Hashkafah is nuanced and guided by the Mesorah of our Rosh Yeshivos. Yet, in the aftermath of the tragic events of October 7, when the news from Eretz Yisroel seemed too overwhelming to process, I found myself at a loss.

I’m not a Chabdnik. I come from the Yeshivish world, where our approach to Torah and Hashkafah is nuanced and guided by the Mesorah of our Rosh Yeshivos. Yet, in the aftermath of the tragic events of October 7, when the news from Eretz Yisroel seemed too overwhelming to process, I found myself at a loss. As the flood of updates came in, I felt paralyzed, unsure of how to respond emotionally and spiritually.

At that moment, I wasn’t looking for solutions; I just wanted to understand. In my desperate scrolling for clarity, I stumbled across an ad about Eretz Yisroel. The timing was almost too coincidental to be accidental. The ad led me to a video on YouTube by R’ Yossi Paltiel, discussing the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s approach to Eretz Yisroel and the wars it has faced. I decided to watch, unsure of what to expect.

As I listened, I was struck by how calm and focused the Rebbe’s words were on such an emotionally charged issue. We all know that the Lubavitcher Rebbe was the biggest expert on Eretz Yisroel, and, looking back, we can see how many of his insights have proven to be true. His perspective wasn’t just about political or military strategy but about spiritual clarity and Torah values.

The Rebbe’s deep love for every Jew, his unyielding commitment to the safety of Eretz Yisroel, and his strong stance on not giving up an inch of land were messages that resonated far beyond political affiliations. In the Rebbe’s worldview, the sanctity of Eretz Yisroel and the responsibility we have to protect it are inseparable from our spiritual obligations as Jews. R’ Paltiel’s presentation of the Rebbe’s approach game me so much Chizuk at a crucial moment in history. I desperately needed that focus and clarity in that moment of confusion. 

What surprised me was how this video seemed to be resonating with so many others as well. It quickly garnered over 90,000 views within just a few days. The message was spreading far and wide, touching people from all walks of life, even those who, like me, didn’t grow up hearing about Chabad’s approach to these topics. It was clear that the clarity and wisdom of the Lubavitcher Rebbe were offering solace and direction to many.

In the weeks and months that followed, I began noticing something even more fascinating. Various Rosh Yeshivos I learned from began to echo some of the very same points I had heard in R’ Paltiel’s video. It seemed that the Rebbe’s perspective, originally voiced decades ago, was becoming part of the broader conversation in the Yeshivish world, where it may not have been as commonly heard before.

I began seeking out more of R’ Paltiel’s Shiurim and videos. His ability to present deep ideas of Chassidus in a way that feels relevant and accessible to me as a Yeshivish Jew has given me tremendous Chiyus.

L’Maaseh, I feel compelled to urge you to support Inside Chassidus’ fundraising campaign. Inside Chassidus is doing important work in spreading these life-changing messages and making them accessible to all Jews, regardless of background.

The clarity, warmth, and truth that shine through in these teachings have made a difference for me, and I believe they can do the same for countless others. We live in a time when we desperately need guidance, and the Rebbe’s words, amplified by the work of Inside Chassidus, offer just that. Join me in supporting this vital cause and ensuring that these messages continue to reach every corner of the Jewish world.

Support Inside Chassidus

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