Illinois Menorah Parade Cheered by Chicago Onlookers

Chabad of Illinois hosted a large Cartop Menorah Parade that wound through the streets of Chicago, proudly displaying newly designed sleek menorahs. The festivities concluded at Sky High Sports, where kids and parents enjoyed latkes, hot chocolate, and trampoline jumping.

Is there anything that says Chabad louder and prouder than menorahs on cars?

This year, Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois, one of the originators of the cartop menorah parades, really outdid themselves. Decked out with the newly designed sleek menorah, more than 150 gas guzzlers, EVs, mom’s taxis, minivans, and even electric Hummers paraded through the streets of Chicago, proudly announcing the Festival of Lights.

Steve, a first-time participant, shared: “The most beautiful part was seeing all the families out on their porches, waving and cheering as we drove by.”

Rabbi Yosef Moscowitz, executive director of Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois and parade coordinator, noted: “This was our biggest crowd yet. The Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois Cartop Menorah Parade is as integral a part of Chanukah as sufganiyot. The police escort and volunteers from Magen Chicago made it work smoothly. The people were so excited to participate, and we were really blessed with beautiful weather that allowed us to roll down the windows and wish everyone a happy Chanukah as we drove through the streets of our neighborhood.”

The parade concluded at Sky High Sports, where the kids and parents enjoyed latkes, hot chocolate, and jumping on the trampolines.

The message of Chanukah is that we are all mobile messengers of light, and the cartop menorah is another example of how we can all spread that light together.



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