Iconic Tishrei Moments Told Through Personal Experiences

This Tishrei, JEM presents My Tishrei Moment – six iconic experiences with the Rebbe brought vividly to life through eight men and women who share their personal experiences in the moment.

The festive month of Tishrei through the years was backdrop to countless vivid experiences with the Rebbe.

The details of these events have been meticulously documented in books, magazines and documentaries. However, the personal experiences of the individuals who participated are no less a part of the story — and these often receive less attention.

This Tishrei, JEM presents My Tishrei Moment – a series of short personal experiences with the Rebbe over the month of Tishrei. 

In My Tishrei Moment, six iconic experiences with the Rebbe are brought vividly to life through eight men and women who share their personal experiences in the moment.

The first clips have been published in honor of Rosh Hashanah, and the upcoming clips will be sent out in close proximity to upcoming Yomim Tovim through the month.

My Tishrei Moment has been generously sponsored by Osher and Rivka Karnowsky, in loving memory of their son Shmuel.

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