‘I Was Frustrated with My Inability to Immerse Myself in Chassidus’

From the Anash.org Inbox: As time went on, I was growing increasingly frustrated with my inability to immerse myself in Chassidus the way I once had. Neither new chavrusos nor listening to a vast amount of online Shiurim were able to help me overcome the sense that I was treading water…

By Zelig Katzman

In the height of a frigid Russian winter, a Chossid roams through the cars of a passenger train, in search of the camaraderie of another Jew during his long and arduous journey.

Reb Mendel Gurary is no simple man. An affluent businessman and a member of the aristocracy of Chabad, his son Reb Shmaryahu was later to marry the eldest daughter of the Frierdiker Rebbe.

As he traverses through the cars, he suddenly encounters a strange sight: A man lying face up, covered in a blanket from head to toe. He cannot contain his curiosity, and gingerly lifts it. He is pleasantly surprised at the face he reveals: It is Reb Gershon Ber of Pahar, a renowned Chossid of the Tzemach Tzedek and the Rebbe Maharash!

Reb Gershon Ber opens his eyes and looks up at him, seeming slightly disoriented, as if being awakened from a deep slumber. Reb Mendel realizes that Reb Gershon Ber was likely contemplating deep ideas in Chassidus, and donned this blanket to shield himself from distractions.

Reb Gershon Ber finally spoke: “Yungerman, where are you headed?”. Reb Mendel responded that he was traveling home to his family after an extended business trip.

Reb Gershon Ber looked at him intently for several long moments, and then spoke:

״יונגערמאן! זאלסט איינטענען ביי זיך, ביי די ווייב און די קינדער, אז ׳הוא לבדו ואין זולתו!׳״

“Young man! You should instill in yourself, in your wife and children [the recognition that] He [i.e. Hashem] is one and there is none besides Him!”

Reb Gershon Ber then lifted the blanket back over his head and carried himself back into his lofty thoughts, as Reb Mendel walked away, dazed and inspired.


One of the primary goals of Chassidus was to empower a Yid to transcend the limitations of this world, by exposing its true nature: There is nothing of significance in the world other than Elokus.

This was the main Avodah of Chassidim beginning from the times of the Alter Rebbe-to instill within themselves a deep recognition of the bitul of the world to Elokus, and to live in accordance with this fundamental truth.

As a bochur who has always been passionate about the study of Chassidus, I spent my years in the system studying it diligently, with the help and guidance of incredible Mashpi’im and friends. However, over the past few years, as I’ve transitioned into the next phase of my life, it has become increasingly difficult for me to maintain a consistent schedule in learning Chassidus. My learning of Chassidus had become disorganized, a haphazard mess of reviewing my favorite hemshechim, trying to start new ones, and occasionally cracking open a random volume of Melukat, never knowing what I was looking for and never having a clear goal.

As time went on, I was growing increasingly frustrated with my inability to immerse myself in Chassidus the way I once had. Neither new chavrusos nor listening to a vast amount of online Shiurim were able to help me overcome the sense that I was treading water…

Several months ago, I was on the phone with Reb Yossi Klyne, a former Mashpia of mine (in Yeshivas Lubavitch of Baltimore) and a close mentor. His Chassidus Shiurim in Shiur Beis Zal were among the best I’ve ever heard, and gave me the confidence to continue to build out the depth and breadth of my knowledge in Chassidus. I mentioned to him my frustrations with my Limud Ha’Chassidus, bemoaning the lack of structure and depth in my learning, and how it impacted the rest of my spiritual life.

Rabbi Klyne, now Mashpia in Nyack, suggested that I join Kollel Dach, a new initiative he had started in partnership with Merkos Suite 302. I was vaguely aware of the existence of this Kollel, and had briefly considered joining, but decided that it was out of my budget. Additionally, I felt that I had already learned much of the material with Rabbi Klyne in Zal and felt no need to rehash those topics. But he was adamant, so I figured I’d give it a shot. I never looked back.

Now beginning its fourth topic, which examines in depth the aforementioned topic of Bitul Ha’Olamos, in Kollel Dach I found for myself a plethora of resources and support, helping me to realize my desire to study Chassidus regularly and in-depth, in a structured manner.

With live Shiurim, Chavrusa placement, and a lively WhatsApp group, Kollel Dach utilizes all the perks of modern technology for the purpose for which it was created to facilitate the implementation of Hashem’s ultimate vision, Dirah B’Tachtonim. Every Sugya, whether it is the role of a Rebbe or the spiritual Avodah of Yetzias Mitzrayim, is clearly and comprehensively elucidated, helping me achieve a sense of clarity and accomplishment.

The live shiurim-which are also available as recordings on most mainstream podcast platforms for all Kollel members-are given by the Rosh Kollel, Reb Yossi Klyne, who also creates the comprehensive curriculum. Additional in-depth shiurim are given regularly by Reb Osher Farkash of Argentina, and a basic text-based blatt shiur on all the material is covered by Reb Levi Paltiel, menahel of the Kollel. There are also periodical guest shiurim given by various Mashpiim from around the world.

The Kollel is open to Shluchim, Yungeleit, and Bochurim, and can be joined at any point in the sugya, though it is obviously beneficial to join at the outset of a Sugya.

In 2024, the age of the smartphone, AI, UberEats, and worldwide unrest and turmoil, a portal to the divine was born. Truth is always resonant, and the truth of Chassidus, even more so.

I want to express my deepest thanks to those involved in running the Kollel, starting with Rabbi Bassman, Rabbi Klyne, Rabbi Farkash, and my dear friend Rabbi Levi Paltiel. You have elevated my Limud Ha’Chassidus to levels I thought were no longer possible. I’d encourage everyone who’s reading this to utilize this opportunity. You will not regret it…

To learn more about the Kollel or to enroll, please visit Kolleldach.com

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