Hundreds Worldwide Are Learning Chassidus with 770 Yeshiva

In its third month, the new Seder Dach program has allowed Shluchim and Anash to join Seder Chassidus with the Bochurim of 770, learning together with Tomchei Temimim Hamerkozis.

Throughout the past few weeks, Chassidim around the world joined 770 in preparing for Yud Shevat, by learning Basi Legani together with the Yeshiva.

In its third month, the new Seder Dach program has allowed Shluchim and Anash to join Seder Chassidus with the Bochurim of 770, learning together with Tomchei Temimim Hamerkozis. Offering a plethora of resources, everyone has the opportunity to be part of the Yeshiva by watching or listening to the Shiurim and through joining the conversations.

In Teves alone, the WhatsApp chat had 700 members, with world-renowned Mashpiim joining the discussions about the Maamarim. Interviews with Rabbi Shlome Zarchi and Rabbi Shmuel Lew sharing their Zichronos were published, and Shiurim from Rabbi Shmuly Avtzon, Rabbi Yosef Greenbaum, and 770 Bochurim amassed over 1,300 views on Youtube and Spotify.

As we approach 15 Shevat, the day the Rebbe told us “איינעמען די וועלט מיט לימוד התורה” “conquer the world with Torah learning” we invite everyone to make a new Kevius in Chassidus, and join the next month of learning in 770.

From Yud Shevat until Purim Katan, each of the 4 tracks in Seder Dach will be learning a new topic. Each track has a Kovetz, Shiurim, Resource Drive, Whatsapp groups for discussion, and more.

The Rebbe’s Maamarim – V’Dovid Avdi and Bayom Hasheini 5732. These Maamarim teach about the greatness of Maaseh-Action according to Chassidus.

Shiurim will be taught by Rabbis Shmuly Avtzon and Yosef Greenbaum.

Hemsheichim – The Hemshech of Acharei Mos 5649. This Hemshech teaches about the worlds of Tohu and Tikkun.

Sugyos B’Likkutei Sichos – Neshamos Yisroel. A collection of Sichos from the Rebbe about the specialty of a Yid’s Neshama.

Shiurim will be taught by Rabbi Mendel Potash.

Hemshech Hachodesh – Starting the fourth Maamar, Ki Imcha Mekor Chaim 5666

Shiurim are given by Rabbi Shlomo Kaplan each Sunday and Tuesday.

Click here for updates about Seder Dach, and to join the WhatsApp chats for each track.

May this increase in learning Chassidus bring to Ko’osi Mar, the coming of Moshiach now.

סדר דא”ח – חודש שבט

לע”נ החייל בצ”ה משה בן יבדלחט”א עמי פינחס אלעזר הלוי

ולע”נ מלכה בת דוד


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