Lubavitchers from all over Canada traveled to Ottawa to do mivtzoim and show support at the ‘Rally for the Jewish People’ event in front of the parliament.
Many Lubavitchers from all around Canada, traveled to the capital of Ottawa to join an event called ‘Rally for the Jewish People’ to show support and hand out Chanukah pamphlets, letters in a Sefer Torah, and lay tefillin with attendees.
They successfully handed out thousands of flyers for Chanukah, neshek, ois B’sefer Torah, and many sheva mitzvos cards to the gentiles who came to offer support and the security officials manning the event.
“I chose to go by Bus because of the opportunity of mivtza tefillin,” shares Rabbi Yirmi Cohen from Toronto, Canada who traveled with his friend Rabbi Shraga Kalvari.
“First, I recited Tefilas Haderech on the loud speaker and everyone joined in. Then I shared a few words of chizuk, sang some songs and then went from person to person asking to put on tefillin. Many happily agreed, and some even asked me to get them a kosher mezuzah. It was truly a wonderful feeling of achdus and Jewish pride! It felt like one big family.”
Despite the heavy snow and freezing temperatures, over 15,000 people attended the event, and many of them bravely uncovered bare skin to roll up their sleeves and don tefillin. Those in attendance shared that they felt a strong sense of achdus and Jewish pride.
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