Ask the Rov: My tefillin got banged on the corner. Are they still kosher?
By Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin – Rov of Anash in Petach Tikvah
It is a halacha l’Moshe miSinai that tefillin are to be square in their length and width.1 The bayis (box) itself must be square throughout its entire height, as well as the titura (tefillin base), and the stitches holding the titura closed.
The head tefillin is comprised of four compartments, and all four together must combine to form a square. Additionally, each compartment should l’chatchila be the same shiur, with one not being wider than the others. If the tefillin started out square but got ruined later, they must be fixed since their squareness is a constant obligation.2
How much off is not square enough?
There is no halachic requirement to use an instrument to measure as long as it looks like a perfect square to the naked eye.3Poskim write that it’s an issue whenever it is noticeably skewed and, therefore, would vary according to the size of the tefillin.
Likewise, if an edge or corner got banged and has a slight indent, it is kosher if the indent isn’t so noticeable.4 Yet, if the dent is deep enough that a hand nail would get caught in it (approx. 1 mm), it should be fixed.5
What can be done if the tefillin get damaged?
While the Mishna Berurah notes that batim must be square in their own right, not from something added to them,6acharonim say that paint doesn’t have its own distinct entity and can therefore be counted towards the shape of the bayis. Thus, by adding a few layers of paint, one can sometimes restore the requisite squareness.7
Another idea is to use glue made out of ground leather. Yet, some hold that this is only sufficient for adding to the titura.8 Others hold that this glue is a new entity, and is only helpful when the crack is small and the tefillin are essentially kosher regardless or in a sh’as hadchak.9
One does not need to check the tefillin daily as they have a chezkas kashrus, and this isn’t a common pesul.10 However, one should be mindful not to wear tefillin on wet hair since this can cause the squareness of the stitches on the bottom to lose shape.
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From The Weekly Farbrengen by Merkaz Anash
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