How is Basi Legani Relevant to Me?

Learn how to implement the lessons of Basi Legani in your life: Rabbi Yossi Paltiel will be giving a shiur in the maamarim of 5720 and 5740 in Crown Heights on Wednesday night.

Do you want to learn practical ways how to implement Basi Legani in your daily life?

As Chassidim the world over are actively preparing for Yud Shvat, celebrating 70 years of the Rebbe’s Nesius, Yagdil Torah will be hosting a special shiur on the maamarim of Basi Legani 5720 and Basi Legani 5740 with Rabbi Yoseph Yitzchak Paltiel.

Rabbi Paltiel is well known for his clear explanations of concepts in Chassidus. He will share new insights on the maamarim as well as practical application, demonstrating how we can apply the lessons learned to our own lives. 

The shiur will take place tomorrow night, Wednesday 3 Shvat – January 29 at Eliyahu Nochum (Lefferts Shul) 672 Lefferts Ave

9:00 Maariv followed by the shiur

Shiur will be in English. For men

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