How Can Anyone Say “No” After Receiving Letters Like These?

For many single mothers, Mishpachtainu is not just about food—it’s about community, respect, and belonging. It offers Shabbos and Yom Tov experiences filled with warmth, divrei Torah, zemiros, and deep connections, lifting them out of the isolation they often feel.

Where would I be without you? A third wheel at someone’s meal? Sitting at home, all alone? For so many of us, Shabbos and Yom Tov were filled with challenges—loneliness, isolation, and the feeling of not belonging. It was tough. But then Yehudis came along and built Mishpachtainu, a place where we all feel equal, accepted, and part of a family. We are SO GRATEFUL she came! Here, we feel welcomed, loved, and never alone.”

For many single mothers, Mishpachtainu is not just about food—it’s about community, respect, and belonging. It offers Shabbos and Yom Tov experiences filled with warmth, divrei Torah, zemiros, and deep connections, lifting them out of the isolation they often feel.

As Yom Kippur approaches and we find ourselves seeking additional merits, how can anyone say “no” after reading the heartfelt letters sent to Mishpachtainu?

This money will go to tzedaka… and I shall proceed to a good, long life and peace.

This unique organization, led by Yehudis Sherman, has become a sanctuary for single mothers, offering them a place where they feel accepted, loved, and supported—especially on Shabbos and Yom Tov. For these women, Mishpachtainu is far more than just a meal; it is a home, a community, and a source of strength.

Another woman shared:

“I’ve just come home from my first Mishpachtainu Shabbos and I’m blown away by the experience… the cozy accommodations, the delicious food, the singing, the divrei Torah, the positive atmosphere and laughter, the companionship. I feel so blessed to know that Mishpachtainu is another home away from home. At this table, I wasn’t ‘the divorced one,’ I was just me—enjoying a beautiful Shabbos with incredible women.”

Mishpachtainu also provides critical resources beyond Shabbos meals. With services like a food pantry and a Hachnosas Orchim apartment, no woman is left without the essentials she needs.

Yehudis continues to share with us more and more heartfelt letters written by the women who benefit from Mishpachtainu:

“For someone who lives alone, being able to spend Shabbos at Mishpachtainu means so much more. It’s a chance to connect with other women in an uplifting, supportive atmosphere. The seudos are beautiful, filled with divrei Torah, zemiros, and inspiration. “

This Erev Yom Kippur, Mishpachtainu is asking for your help to continue its essential work. By donating to Mishpachtainu during Pidyon Kaparos, you can provide single mothers with the love, support, and community they need. Your contribution will ensure that these women have a safe space to turn to.

Mishpachtainu supports Jewish women from communities across Crown Heights, Lakewood, Monsey, Five Towns, Boro Park, Williamsburg, and Flatbush. Your support ensures that these mothers experience a Yom Tov filled with joy, dignity, and connection.

Show them they are not alone. Make their Yomim Tovim unforgettable!

When you bring joy to Mine, I will bring joy to yours.”

“״אם אתם משמחים את שלי אני משמח את שלכם”

Hashem promises to bring simcha to those who bring joy to HIS people – the almonas and single moms who are raising their families alone.

Click here to donate and support Mishpachtainu’s life-changing work.

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