History Podcast Tackles the Pioneering of Girls Education

The Jewish History Shmooze” podcast released the newest episode, taking a deep dive into the start of Jewish education for women in the 1900s.

The history podcast “The Jewish History Shmooze” released its newest episode about the start of Jewish women’s education in the 1900’s. The podcast discusses Jewish women’s general education, and then Chabad women in particular, and is hosted by Nochum Zajac.

Th previous episodes of the podcast discuss Yiddishe life in the mirror of civil law in Russia before World War one, and this podcast discusses women’s education and spans the years 1917 through 1940.

Click to listen to the following two parts of this episode of the podcast as found on Spotify:

Talk of the Frierdiker Rebbe to girls published in the Beis Yaakov journal:

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  1. Thank you Reb Nochum!
    I remember you in Yeshiva. You always had an amazing mizug of learning together with yediah in history and worldly things. This all blends in beautifully in your podcasts.
    They are thorough and comprehensive, and most of all very informative.

    Keep up your great work!
    A secret admirer

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