Here We Polish Our Heads

“You can remove your tie, and you don’t need to look so meticulous…” the Rebbe told someone at the Shavuos 5711 farbrengen, proceeding to relate a story of Reb Michoel der Alter and polishing shoes in Lubavitch.

“You can remove your tie, and you don’t need to look so meticulous…” the Rebbe told someone at the Shavuos 5711 farbrengen.

“A story is told of the chossid Reb Michoel,” the Rebbe began to relate, referring to the elder mashpia in Lubavitch, Reb Michoel Beliner (“der alter”).

“One of the guests, a simpleton who came to Lubavitch from the Yiddishe colonies, was searching for a brush to polish his shoes before Shabbos.

“When Reb Michoel heard what he was looking for, he told him, ‘Here in Lubavitch, we polish our heads, not our shoes…’”

(Toras Menachem vol 3 p. 157)

(Talelei Teshuvah, Page 642; Igros Kodesh Vol. 14, Letters 5197 and 5287)

From The Weekly Farbrengen by Merkaz Anash

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