Heart Attack on a Plate…And Other Good Reading

The upcoming N’shei Chabad Newsletter includes the story of what Henya Federman did last Gimmel Tammuz, Goldie Grossbaum’s take-off on ‘Is It Shabbos Yet?’ and more.

By N’shei Chabad Newsletter Staff

We are really excited about the upcoming Gimmel Tammuz issue! It’s got something for everyone! Subscribe now at Nsheichabadnewsletter.com/subscribe or pick it up in Crown Heights store before Gimmel Tammuz.

Want inspiration for Gimmel Tammuz? Read Chaya Shuchat’s story of what Henya Federman did last Gimmel Tammuz. Then, read Rabbi Eli Friedman’s thoughts on how to properly remember and honor the Rebbe.

Ever feel like maybe you’re a fraud? Read Temmi Hadar’s experience when she was asked to speak about simchah.

Want to be entertained? Read Goldie Grossbaum’s take-off on ‘Is It Shabbos Yet?’ This one could be called ‘Is It Bedtime Yet?’

“Mommy wakes up early on Monday. She opens her eyes, says Modeh Ani and asks, ‘Is it bedtime yet?’ ‘Not yet!’ giggle her kids as they dance and jump and climb into her bed. ‘First we need to have breakfast in Mommy Camp!’ So, Mommy washes negel vasser and staggers out of bed, ready to start her day. She serves cereal and milk and scrambled eggs and flat eggs and soymilk and almond milk and almost everyone has breakfast. ‘Is it bedtime yet?’ asked Mommy. ‘No, Mommy!’ reply the laughing kids…”

Esther Etiquette outdoes herself this time, answering a woman whose mother makes her feel insecure:

“With a personalized main course perfectly arranged in front of her, my mother will eye a platter of meat coming out to serve the table and mutter to me, ‘Heart attack on a plate!’ And when a second platter of chicken appears (it’s 30 yeshiva bachurim!) she will roll her eyes and sigh, ‘Do you really need both?’ When it is finally time for the embarrassingly-high-sugar-content dessert, there is my mother again, mouthing, ‘Root of all evil,’ like a health freak fanatic preacher!”

Want to be a better teacher? Read Rabbi Levi Feldman’s experiences as a fledgling teacher, and now as an experienced mechanech who leads teacher-training workshops:

“My personal theory is that the tragedies of the early 20th century brought this natural blend of chessed and gevurah out of balance. Some teachers may have been broken, angry, and traumatized. Gevurah may have been used too much or misused. So, there was a natural pushback. But sometimes the pendulum swings too far in the opposite direction before reaching the steady medium. Discipline has become a dirty word. Too many parents and teachers are afraid of being firm with children. That isn’t healthy either. Just as children need unconditional love to thrive, they also need discipline and boundaries. As shliach and mechanech Rabbi Shmuel Lew once put it, ‘Permissiveness is neglect.'”

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