Hatzalah to Implement A Major Change

After serving the Crown Heights Community for 45 years, Hatzalah, as you know it, is about to make a major change to its services in Crown Heights.

Happy voices waft in and out of your dreams; the kids are playing calmly in the living room. With another school day about to begin, you press snooze just one time. Five blessed minutes to rest and refresh before…a spine-chilling shriek pierces your existence.

A thousand Crown Heights families can tell you the rest of this story. A thousand more can describe that split-second in which normalcy was replaced with a feeling of dreadful panic.

In under two minutes, the first Hatzalah members arrive. They move quickly yet speak calmly. They will do everything to get the best care for your child.

Our communities are blessed with a robust network of organizations that meet a wide range of social, educational, and financial needs. As an individual cruises through life, they may come to be served by these noble organizations at various times.

But there is one organization that serves the vital needs of every community member and, by extension, of every member of Anash worldwide who holds Crown Heights dear to their heart. It is Hatzalah—a beacon of life itself. Every day, every hour, Hatzalah of Crown Height’s dedicated volunteers are there, providing an essential safety net that allows us to breathe a little easier. And at those crucial moments when every second can make a world of a difference, Hatzalah literally saves lives. 

Hatzalah is there for everyone, regardless of age, stage, or current life circumstances. In addition to servicing the Ka”H ever-growing community, Hatzalah is always there for the ten of thousands of annual Crown Heights visitors, from visitors for family Simchas, Tishrei Guests, Cteen Shabbaton, Chabad on Campus Pegisha, and of course the yearly Kinus Hashluchim & Shluchos.

Even those that have never had to call Hatzalah B”H also benefit. The Rebbe said just knowing that Hatzala is available puts one at rest, knowing C”V that if an emergency strikes, there’s someone to call.

בשעת ער ווייטט אבער אז ס׳איז דא א ״אמבולאנס־קאר״ פון ״הצלה״ וואם קען 

פירן דעם מענטשן בזריזות צו דעם רופא ורפואה — פועל׳ט דאס גופא ביי

אים א מנוחת הנפש און רואיקייט וואס באווארנט אז מ׳קומט מלכתחילה ניט צו

אזא מצב, וויסנדיק אז ער האט ״פת בסלו״

לקו”ש חלק כ״ו עמוד 392

In conjunction with the 2nd annual Hatzalah-thon next week, Hatzalah of Crown Heights will be embarking on a new project that will benefit Crown Heights and its many guests for years to come. For decades, Hatzalah of Crown Heights has been a fixture of our community’s colorful history. Now, Hatzalah is asking for your support as it prepares to make some history of its own.

And one thing is known for sure; you will benefit from this!

Stay tuned for more details, and don’t hesitate to join the campaign already by donating today.

Donate Today


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