Hatzalah Publishes Coronavirus Guidelines and Instructions

Photo: By I, Tariqabjotu, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2488927

Hatzalah of Crown Heights has issued a letter confirming multiple cases of coronavirus in Crown Heights and containing facts and instructions about the COVID-19.

Hatzalah of Crown Heights has issued a letter confirming multiple cases of coronavirus in Crown Heights and containing facts and instructions about the COVID-19.

The letter states that the three individuals with coronavirus had “extensive interaction at multiple places” and as a result “a large segment of the community have already been exposed.”

Hatzalah expects, based on the current modeling, that most people exposed to the virus will come down with the illness.

To prepare for the possibility, Hatzalah compiled a list of facts and instructions. The full letter can be read below.

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