Hands-On Craft Videos Inspire Creativity Among Girls

A new video series called “For Kids by Kids” allowed girls to showcase their creativity with Jewish crafts, including a clay candle holder, a Shabbos candle decoupage, and a Shabbos candle silhouette painting.

The girls from the Brooklyn Teen Club have collaborated to create an uplifting series called “For Kids by Kids” in partnership with the Jewish Children’s Museum and the BR Teen Club. This collaboration has provided these young girls with valuable hands-on experience in all aspects of production, from planning to filming and editing. Their dedication and creativity are evident in every episode of the series.

Key contributors to the project include:

Brochie Freeman and Batya Kahan: These talented individuals created a beautiful clay candle holder, demonstrating their artistic skills and creativity. Their episode can be viewed here.

– Soroh Torenheim, Shternie Goldberg, and Miriam Swued: Showcased their artistic flair by designing and creating a Shabbos Candle Decoupage. Their episode can be viewed here.

– Michal Lewis, Sara Shusterman, Chaya Shusterman, and Hodaya Amrami: Contributed stunning visuals with their painting skills creating a Shabbos Candle Silhouette Painting. Their episode can be viewed here.

“For Kids by Kids” is not only a video series, it’s a celebration of creativity and collaboration. This project has provided these girls with a platform to showcase their talents and express themselves to a wider audience. It’s also an inspiration for other young people, encouraging them to explore their interests and pursue their passions.

The Jewish Children’s Museum and the BR Teen Club are looking forward to future collaborations and are excited to see what these talented girls will achieve next. The “For Kids by Kids” series is now available to watch and support these amazing young creators.


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