Although the Hakhel year has concluded, one bochur’s Hakhel project is not shutting down. Instead, it is merely changing format and continuing in full force.
Although the Hakhel year has concluded, one bochur’s Hakhel project is not shutting down. Instead, it is merely changing format and continuing in full force.
Boruch Shneir Kalmenson, of Crown Heights, took the initiative this past Hakhel to bring hundreds of people together in virtual Hakhel to learn words of inspiration on Hakhel. The inspiration blazes on.
Hakhel, although a one-time gathering every seven years, was meant to inspire the people and build momentum to learn Torah, and fear Hashem throughout the coming year — actually for the coming 7 years!
So why the drastic deceleration when Hakhel year is over?
Well, it doesn’t have to be this way and one bochur is showing us how. A Whatsapp broadcast which has been highly active throughout the year of Hakhel to spread short sound bites of learning is now launching a 6-year course over which a Sichah a day will be shared in the form of 120-second summaries.
You now have the ability to familiarize yourself with all of the Rebbe’s Sichos, by just scrolling through your chats and tuning in to the 2-minute recap to be shared daily. Too easy but too powerful.
The chat, which has reached hundreds of people over the last year, has gotten tremendous feedback from its listeners for the seamless quality in which the content is conveyed making those 2 minutes feel like a few short seconds.
Join the broadcast by using this link and let Hakhel stay vibrant till it’s once again in the headlines:
To join on WhatsApp, click here.
To join on Signal, click here.
Available on podcasts as well search “2MinSicha” on popular podcast platforms.
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