Following an eventful first day, day two of the Kinus Hamechanchim saw new groundbreaking initiatives unveiled to the 250 Chabad educators who gathered at the two-day conference in Edison NJ.
The Kinus HaMechanchim sponsored by the Merkos Chinuch Office headed by Rabbi Nochem Kaplan creates an atmosphere of warm collegiality and presents opportunities for mechanchim to talk chinuch without end.
Following an eventful day that started at ten in the morning and ended after midnight, day two of the Kinus Hamechanchim, saw new groundbreaking initiatives unveiled to the two hundred and fifty Chabad educators who gathered together at the two-day conference in Edison NJ.
The previous evening’s session chaired by Rabbi Kaplan was keynoted by Rabbi Mendy Blau dean Oholei Torah and Rabbi Nosson Gurary, Executive Director of Chabad of Buffalo, New York and Mashpia in Monsey, New York, this session was in loving memory of Hadassah bas Shneur Zalman & Harav Chaim Meir Ben Alter Yissachar Dov. Rabbi Blau wrote in a thank you note “I want to take a minute to say thank you on behalf of Oholei Torah mechanchim for organizing such a rich toichendike program everyone who attended enjoyed and gained tremendously”.
Following Rabbi Dr. Aron H. Fried’s two powerful presentations on the topic of “Intrinsic vs Extrinsic motivation during which analyzed the expected outcomes of each he made the case for an alternative middle-ground approach, a series of concurrent sessions was held. Presenters focused on practical Chinuch tips to enhance the classroom by Chabad educators from around the United States, Presentations were made by Rabbi Zalmy Schapiro of Monsey New York, Rabbi Mendy Yusewitz, Brooklyn New York, Rabbi Simcha Frankel, Los Angeles, California, Rabbi Greenberg, Brooklyn New York, Rabbi Zalman Karp, Brooklyn New York, Rabbi Yoel Chazan, Kingston, Pennsylvania.
At the luncheon session, Rabbi Chaim Schapiro Rosh Yeshiva of Morristown delivered a powerful address on the Chashivus of personal Linud haTorah.
The cooperative ventures were unveiled by Rabbi Zalmy Lowenthal Executive Director of CKids of Merkos 302 unveiled CKids new project geared to Lubavitch Junior high age kids in Mosdos across the US and Europe for the upcoming year and Rabbi Duvi Feldman of Merkos 302 who discussed a new Curriculum project being developed cooperatively by Merkos 302 and the Chinuch Office for Chabad schools across the world.
Final sessions included presentations by Rabbi Levi Kaplan, principal of Cheder Chabad of Monsey on integrating technology into our schools, and Rabbi Aron Ginsburg on burning chinch issues of the day.
On behalf of the entire staff of the Merkos Chinuch office we would like to thank the Vaad HaKinus, Rabbi Yaakov Garfinkel; LEC North Miami Beach, FL; Rabbi Mendel Greenbaum, Cheder Menachem, Los Angeles, CA; Rabbi Aron Ginsburg, Gan Yisroel, Boro Park, NY; Rabbi Boruch Kaplan, NEHA, New Haven, CT; Rabbi Levi Kaplan, Cheder Menachem, Monsey, NY; Rabbi Menachem Kirschenbaum, Fort Greene, Brooklyn; Rabbi Mendel Klyne, Cheder Lubavitch, Detroit, MI; Rabbi Yehoshua Lustig, Oholei Torah, NYC; Rabbi Yitzchok Newman, HA, Huntington Beach, CA; Rabbi Moshe Rodman, DHA Las Vegas, NV; Rabbi Yaakov Scheinberger, HACS, Margate, FL; Rabbi Yaakov Sebag, Lubavitcher Yeshiva, Ocean Parkway, NY; Rabbi Efraim Sorkin, Cheder Menachem, Baltimore, MD.
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