Groundbreaking Held for Mikvah Mei Pesya Leah in Missouri

The Jewish community of Columbia, Missouri, gathered for the groundbreaking for a new facility with a design inspired by 770 which will contain a full Mikvah built in memory of Mrs. Pesya Leah Lapine hy”d.

By reporter

A year and a half ago, the worldwide Chabad community united to raise funds to build a mikvah in memory of Mrs. Pesya Leah Lapine hy”d. Just recently, a groundbreaking was held, heralding the start of the final steps before the mikvah goes up.

The campaign was launched in Shevat of 5782, ahead of the 30th anniversary of the brutal murder of Mrs. Lapine. Her son, shliach Rabbi Avraham Lapine, together with his family, decided that the best way to honor their mother would be to establish a Mikvah in her memory.

After many long months of preparations, including obtaining permits, creating architectural plans, and more, the long-awaited groundbreaking for the Mikvah Mei Pesya Leah in Columbia, Missouri, was held on Sunday, July 30th, 12 Menachem Av.

The new facility will have a design inspired by 770 and will contain a full Mikvah, named Mikvah Pesya Leah, after Mrs. Lapine. The planning of the mikvah was overseen by renowned mikvah expert Rabbi Gershon Grossbaum.

Many dozens of local community members, along with members of my family and friends, all joined together to symbolically break ground to begin construction. It was over 90 degrees outside, so they gathered in a tent on the exact site of the new construction, with a misting fan to help keep cool.

Addressing the crowd was Rabbi Avraham Lapine, who spoke about how this new Mikvah will complete the Jewish community of Columbia, for the Mikvah is the cornerstone of Jewish living. Rabbi Yoisef Simmonds of Crown Heights, a brother-in-law of Rabbi Lapine, led the assembly in Tehilim. Reb Chaim Dovid Lapine, father of Rabbi Lapine, also spoke, as well as other family members. Members of the local community also spoke.

The formal part of the program was followed by a brunch with a bounce house and snow cones for kids, and Tefilin for the men.

Guests from St. Louis included Rabbis Yosef Landa, Rabbi Hershey Novack, and Rabbi Chaim Landa. A delegation from Overland Park KS, also participated, including Mrs. Pesya Leah Lapine’s mother-in-law, Mrs. Janice Lapine shetichye

Rabbi Lapine thanked the supporters from Missouri and from around the world who joined together to help bring the project to fruition.

To donate toward the new mikvah, please visit

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