Grand Celebration for Lubavitch Yeshiva Building Expansion

Photos: Shalom Ross/

Parents, staff, supporters, and friends gathered on Motzei Shabbos for a grand melava malka celebrating the remarkable expansion of Lubavitch Yeshiva Crown Street.

By reporter
Photos: Shalom Ross/

Parents, staff, supporters, and friends gathered on Motzei Shabbos – Chof Cheshvan for a grand melava malka celebrating the remarkable expansion of Lubavitch Yeshiva Crown Street.

The event began with a screening of a sicha of the Rebbe about the distinctiveness of the month of Cheshvan – that in this month the Bais Hamikdash was completed.

Singer Avraham Fried sang heartfelt chassidishe niggunim beggining with the hachana niggun of the Rebbe Rashab and a gute voch.

Rabbi Mendy Chein, a staunch supporter of Tomchei Temimim, recited a Tehillim chapter 120 in merit of the safety of all the Yidden living in Eretz Yisroel.

Menahel Rabbi Yosef Simpson spoke about the unique quality of Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim as in was envisioned by the Rebbe Rashab. He stressed how every increase in gashmiyum must be accompanied by an increase in ruchniyus, and now the yeshiva must increase what it gives to its talmidim.

Rabbi Yossi Langsam, who oversaw the building expansion, thanked all who took part in making make the dream a reality.

The new expansion adds 19,848 square feet of space with a brand new addition to their landmark building. It added space for 6 new classrooms to accommodate another 100 students. It also includes 3 resource rooms for tutors, and a beautiful new shul for the older grades to daven together, a music room, a recreation room, and a staff lounge.

To top it all off, the expanded roof includes a state-of-the-art indoor gym with a full-sized basketball court that will double as a multi-purpose auditorium.

VIDEO: Full event replay


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