Globetrotting Chabad Photographer Visits Madagascar

In a recent trip to Madagascar, a large island off the coast of Africa, globetrotting Chabad photographer Meir Alfasi visited imprisoned Jews and a local community and photographed the island’s unique culture and wildlife.

Globetrotting Chabad photographer Meir Alfasi recently traveled with friends Yossi Rainitz and Yaki Hershkop to Madagascar the world’s fourth-largest island, off the coast of Africa.

The journey began with a visit to the local prison, where they set to meet a Jewish inmate. Upon entering the facility, they discovered three more Jewish prisoners. The group set up an impromptu gathering, sharing words of encouragement and strength. Before departing, they left kosher food and Jewish books.

Following their visit to the prison, they visited a local community of converts at the Mishkan Meir shul, whose members are known for their commitment to halacha.

Their visit concluded with an emotional tefillin ceremony against the backdrop of Madagascar’s unique baobab trees.

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