Following remarkable success, Crown Heights’ Night Activity Camp has expanded, enabling even more girls to enjoy exciting evening programs.
By reporter
The brand new Night Activity Camp, launched last week, has already expanded in its very first week of registration.
Following remarkable success and high rates of interest, a second shift was opened by the organizers, to allow more girls to enjoy extraordinary night programs in a wholesome and friendly environment.
“My daughter was thrilled with the Night Activity Camp option,” one parent enthused, “since the camp she was accepted to did not open and she was left without summer plans.”
“The girls are enjoying so much and come home so happy from the structured, nightly activity,” said another pleased parent.
For many girls, this is the sole program available, and now the camp has expanded to to accommodate third graders as well. Currently, Night Activity Camp offers a first shift for girls in grades three and four, followed by a later program for fifth and sixth graders.
To register your daughter, call Chaya Mushka Stern 347 675 0770