Gedaliah Society Clarifies Stance on Testing Drive

After rumors regarding the testing drive spread in the community, the Gedaliah Society clarified their stance on the drive being arranged by local schools.

Clarification from the Gedaliah Society regarding testing:

Dear Members of the Crown Heights Community,

We have clarified with the Gedaliah society that although they are not involved in this project, as it is a project of the school askanim, they are not against it.

We want to remind everyone that a negative test is only partially reliable; there are false negatives, and even a true negative doesn’t mean that one can’t get covid in the ensuing days. Therefore, please continue to follow standard covid precautions. If you have any symptoms of Covid at any time please contact you Doctor right away.

Testing is open today from 4pm till 8pm.

Wishing you and your families a Good Yomtov!

Oholei Torah- Oholei Menachem
Lubavitcher Yeshiva
Bais Rivkah
Bnos Menachem
Beis Chaya Mushka
Darchai Menachem


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