Gallery: Corona Couldn’t Stop This Wedding

Photos: Shmulik Sero/

The wedding of JJ and Fraida Deitsch (Jacobson) was celebrated by the entire Crown Heights community with a grand wedding procession and hundreds dancing on their porches and in their yards.

Photos: Shmulik Sero/

The wedding of JJ and Fraida Deitsch (Jacobson) was celebrated by the entire Crown Heights community with a grand wedding procession and hundreds dancing on their porches and in their yards.

The original plan was to have a ‘classic’ wedding, with a meal, dancing and celebrating in a hall. But with the spread of coronavirus, and current CDC guidelines not allowing gatherings of over 10 people, the planned wedding meal and party had to be canceled.

The celebration, however, could not be stopped.

“We wanted to give them an unforgettable celebration, while still following the regulations and not chas v’shalom taking any chance to spread the virus”, family members told, “so we came up with a surprise for the soon-to-be-married couple”.

Following their chuppa, the chosson and kallah drove through the streets of Crown Heights in a convertible, followed by the ‘Siyum Sefer Torah Truck’ blasting Chabad niggunim. The Crown Heights community was invited to come out on their porches and celebrate with the chosson and kallah.

And come out they did. The streets of Crown Heights were lined with young and old, dancing on their porches and in their yards, showing that nothing can stop the joy of simchas chosson v’kalla and nothing can beat back the spirit of Crown Heights.

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