Gala Appreciation Event for Yissachar-Zevulun Partners

150 students and partners of the Yissachar-Zevulun program enjoyed a beautiful Gala in appreciation for their efforts and support in the program, those learning in 770, and those supporting the students financially.

The Yissachar and Zevulun program is a sight to behold for all who visit 770. Anyone who enters and sees the hundreds of talmidim studying with the project’s study booklets, sitting and diligently learning, understands that a real revolution is taking place here.

This week, in honor of Tes Vav Elul, the day of the establishment of Tomchei Tmimim, a prestigious and moving evening was held for the project’s supporters and outstanding students.

At the entrance to the event hall of the ‘Lubavitcher Yeshiva’ in Crown Heights, attendees were greeted with a photo exhibition showcasing the program throughout the year and how it transformed the atmosphere in 770. Rabbi Moshiach Elias and Rabbi Mordechai Gruzman, who run the program throughout the year, welcomed guests as they led them through the exhibition.

From there, Rabbi Chaim Meir Zalmanov and Rabbi Shlomo Wilhelm, directors of the ‘Igud Talmidei Hakevutza,’ greeted guests with a ‘L’Chaim,’ guiding them to elegantly set tables. Among the many distinguished guests was the head of the central yeshiva at 770, Rabbi Shneur Zalman Labkowsky.

After hand washing and a light snack, a video was screened, explaining the project and its various study tracks, demonstrating how it has transformed the daily lives of the bochurim in 770. The video highlighted the immense benefit for the students, both materially through the monthly stipends, and spiritually, with structured learning plans and the study booklets published monthly.

After the video, the evening’s MC, Rabbi Hillel Raskin, who also oversees the girsah track in the project, opened the evening, thanking the dear partners who came. He then invited Rabbi Meir Kabakov, who has supported the project throughout the year, to recite the Rebbe’s kapitel of Tehillim.

Chassidic singer Reb Berel Zucker then led the audience in a moving niggun, accompanied by keyboardist Itzik Lifshitz. His voice stirred hearts as he sang the song “A Tatte Bistu” with its special lyrics.

The MC invited the Rav of Crown Heights, Rabbi Yosef Yeshaya Braun, to the stage. In his characteristic style, Rabbi Braun inspired the audience with a special story about the Rebbe’s relationship to the founding of the Tomchei Tmimim yeshiva and the great zchus of supporting the students who learn there.

The final part of the evening began with a video produced especially for the event, in which several students and rabbis from the ‘Igud Talmidei Hakevutza’ shared their experiences and accomplishments in learning over the past year.

After the video, Rabbi Gruzman shared an inspiring story: When they informed the Rebbe that a student had undertaken to complete the entire tractate ‘Bava Basra,’ the Rebbe visibly expressed joy and asked, “The entire Bava Basra?” Rabbi Gruzman praised the partners for their tremendous support in helping the Rebbe’s children. “A real revolution is taking place here,” he exclaimed. “Dozens of students have completed ‘Bava Basra,’ hundreds have completed parts of the Shulchan Aruch or all of Likutei Sichos Geulah and Moshiach. It’s immense nachas for the Rebbe!” he declared to the audience. “None of this would have been possible without you.”

To conclude, he invited Yosef Yitzchak Kedem to make a ‘siyum’ on the mesechta on behalf of all the students completing it. With clarity and eloquence, he intertwined the Rebbe’s explanation of the tractate with the ‘siyum’ and reminded the audience of the Rebbe’s words that ‘Bava Basra’ alludes to the current golus, and by studying it, we bring the golus to an end and usher in the geula. He concluded with thanks on behalf of the hundreds of participants to the rabbis and staff of the ‘Igud Talmidei Hakevutza’ and the partners.

The evening ended with a seder niggunim led by the singer Zalmy Okinov. The partners left the event feeling uplifted by the tremendous merit, with each participant receiving a gift. To the sounds of the niggunim, the supporters exited the hall, knowing they carry immeasurable merit into Rosh Hashanah—the Torah study of a student throughout an entire year at 770.

Special Thanks:
Mendy Boaron and MLP
Ben Davidov, Avi Berko, and Butcher Grill House
Production Team: Menachem Mendel Zechariah, Yisroel Shneor, and Sholom Dovber Goldstein.

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