Project Likkutei Sichos Gaining Momentum in Spanish

Hundreds of Spanish speakers are now part of Project Likkutei Sichos and will celebrate the completion of Volume 12 with a special siyum in their own tongue.

By reporter

Project Likkutei Sichos is spreading across the world in an incredible way and Spanish speakers across the globe are now more involved than ever with over 100 shiurim accessible to them.

Over 300 Spanish-speaking participants are involved in the initiative and have made it to the end of Volume 12 alongside their English-speaking counterparts, with even more people set to join at the beginning of the 13th volume.

As reported on, the completion of the 12th volume will be celebrated with a global virtual siyum and the Spanish speaking community will also be coming together for a farbrengen and siyum in its own tongue.

Leading the siyum will be Rabbi Osher Farkash, Head mashpia of Yeshiva Gedola, Buenos Aires, Rabbi Eliezer Shemtov, Head shliach to Uruguay and Rabbi David Stoler, shliach in Buenos Aires and founder of Sijot en Español (Sichos in Spanish).

Click the following link to join the siyum in Spanish, and share with your Spanish-speaking friends:

Special thanks to Rabbi David Stoler, Rabbi Eliyahu Schvartzman, and a generous anonymous donor.

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