Full Rewind: Frum Jews Thank President Trump

By Anash.org reprter

Last week, over 400 Orthodox Jews gathered at the Intercontinental Hotel in Manhattan, to give thanks to President Trump, and to throw their support behind his reelection campaign.

The event, arranged and coordinated by major philanthropist Louis (Lazer) Scheiner of Monsey, NY, was not backed by any Jewish organization, and was done solely to have the opportunity to thank the President on behalf of the Jewish community.

The event reportedly raised a whopping $5 Million for Trump’s reelection and the Republican National Committee.

Mr. Kivi Bernard was the emcee; National Anthem and Jewish songs (such as Tov lehodos) were sung by Beri Weber.

In his speech, President Trump spoke about Israel, starting off with touting his moving of the Embassy to Yerushalayim and his recognizing of the Golan Heights. He then thanked Mr. Scheiner for making such a beautiful event, and then thanked major Jewish philanthropist Mr Ruby Schron.

Renowned lecturer Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Jacobson introduced President Donald J. Trump, and recited the bracha one says when seeing a sovereign.

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