From Kazakhstan to New York, and Back

A beautiful new magazine was published in honor of Chof Av, telling stories of Jewish heroism; Harav Levi Yitzchok’s exile in Kazakhstan, Rebbetzin Chana’s escape to America, and the Rebbe’s shluchim return to the country. 

A compelling new magazine has been published in honor of Chof Av, commemorating the 80th anniversary of the passing of Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Schneerson, father of the Rebbe. This special edition showcases stories of Jewish heroism from Rabbi Levi Yitzchok and those who followed in his footsteps.

Available for free online, the magazine offers a rich tapestry of narratives, including:

  • Insights into Rabbi Levi Yitzchok’s unwavering devotion under extreme circumstances during his exile in Kazakhstan
  • The gripping account of Rebbetzin Chana’s escape from the Soviet Union
  • Chronicles of the Rebbe’s shluchim upon their arrival in Kazakhstan in 1994
  • Reflections from an Israeli ambassador who served in Kazakhstan

Readers will also find English translations of Rabbi Levi Yitzchok’s teachings, an intimate Chassidic farbrengen with Rabbi Chaim Shaul Brook of Lahak Hanachos, and testimonials of miracles and yeshuos experienced by those who visited the tziyun and supported the shluchim’s work.

We invite you to download, read, enjoy, and share this inspiring publication.

Click here to access the magazine.

The annual Chof Av campaign supporting the shluchim’s work in Kazakhstan will be held in the coming days. We encourage you to participate, fulfilling the Rebbe’s heartfelt request and honoring his father’s sacred memory.

Please click here to donate!


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