Frightening Incident at New Haven Yeshiva Ends Well

A troubling incident unfolded in New Haven yeshiva today when a man stormed into the zal, throwing chairs and causing a commotion. Bochurim acted swiftly, subduing him until police arrived. Baruch Hashem, no injuries were reported.

A troubling incident occurred today at the Lubavitcher yeshiva in New Haven.

Eyewitnesses told that an individual entered the yeshiva and began “causing a disturbance, throwing chairs and disrupting the peaceful environment.”

The bochurim acted swiftly and decisively, using their strength and quick thinking to subdue the individual, physically restraining him until law enforcement arrived.

Baruch Hashem, thanks to the boys being strong and acting quickly, no injuries were reported. Authorities are investigating the incident, and further details will be provided as they become available.


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  1. Wow you trained for this moment since you were a little kid good job that’s why they should teach self defense in yeshivahs

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