Friday: Connection Point Home #3

On Friday at 11:00 AM, the third program of Connection Point Home will stream live on The event will be available to watch throughout the day and the raffles will be drawn on Sunday night.

Yud Alef Nissan is almost here. An invaluable way to help our children increase their hiskashrus with the Rebbe is Connection Point, the program designed to bring the Rebbe directly to our children in a way that is easy for them to understand and relate to.

Connection Point, a project of JEM in conjunction with Tzivos Hashem, will be broadcasting the third week of Connection Point Home, connecting children to the Rebbe in the comfort of their own home.

This week they will be broadcasting an incredible 25-minute program, which will include a 6 minute sicha and moments from a Pesach rally. Participants can fill out the question form on the Sicha on the website and win amazing prizes.

The program will stream live on at 11:00 AM EST. The event will be available to watch throughout the day and the raffles will be drawn on Sunday night. The winners will be announced on our Connection Point broadcast. To subscribe to the broadcast press this link:

Connection Point Home – Week Three is made possible through a generous grant from Yossi & Nechama Dina Katz and Family in the merit of a speedy recovery of זאב יחזקאל הכהן בן מינדל and for all those suffering with the coronavirus בתוך שאר כל חולי עמך ישראל!

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